Saturday, July 30, 2011

It is nearly my birthday!!

This is an amazing event!

Almost in!

Looking forward to a great Gala event.

Entry to the ball at sunset!

We have arrived at the Gala Ball - soo exciting!!

Darwin Sightseeing

Having a great time in Darwin and surrounding sights. Had a great Friday driving around the main areas of Darwin, including the museum where we viewed the Cyclone Tracey exhibit, Indigenous art and met Sweetheart the croc. (see photo with Louise)

Great lunch at the marina before an excellent dinner with friends at Char Restaurant.

Just home from a Saturday drive south to the township of Adelaide River where we visited the WWII war cemetery followed by a visit to the Litchfield National Park on the way back to Darwin.

About to head off to the Darwin Charity Ball which will culminate with Louise's birthday at midnight. Look out for some live action photo uploads from the ball tonight!

Phil and Louise

Swimming with crocs in Litchfield National Park

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dinner at Char Restaurant - Beautiful winter evenings up here,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Louise meets a local - Darwin Museum

Darwin across the Bay

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Departing Brisbane for Darwin

We are off tonight traveling to Darwin for a weekend of fun, the highlight will undoubtedly be our first Darwin Ball.

Only a few hours to go so we better get packing!!